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mind-sets_logo_white_thumbnailNewsletter  No. 1 – October 2015

Welcome to the MIND-sets newsletter, your bi-annual look inside the minds, motives and preferences of transport users in Europe. The newsletter will feature the latest insights on user behaviour and innovative research from the MIND-sets project. Because it is an interactive, iterative project, your input and involvement is essential.

We hope you will share your thoughts and ideas as well as related calls for papers, events and conferences, both here and on our social media channels. Future newsletters will include research from other, similar projects as well as relevant information you have asked us to publish.

We look forward to hearing from you!

In this issue:


                      It’s all a matter of perspective

An introduction to MIND-sets

This project, funded by the European Commission Horizon 2020 Programme, will look at mobility from a variety of disciplines, such as economics, sociology, behavioural psychology and urban planning.

The idea is to create a more comprehensive vision of mobility that combines concepts and terminology from all of these fields, one that can provide new direction for mobility decision makers and those involved in developing and providing new products and services.

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                     Why the “why” matters

What sets MIND-sets apart from other studies of user behaviour

Traditionally, transport studies have looked at the “what” and the “how” of user behaviour, without considering the “why”. Yet it is crucial to understand users’ underlying incentives and motivations if we want to contextualize behavioural choices within a rapidly changing world, and more importantly, if we wish to design the kind of policies, products and services that will address user needs now and in the future.

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                      Tell me what you drive what you post on Facebook…

…and I’ll tell you who you are.
How technology and social media have transformed mobility

Social networks and applications are where the physical and virtual worlds collide, enabling the rapid rise of new versions of existing forms of mobility. For example, online ridesharing services such as BlaBlaCar, carsharing services such as Enjoy and Car2Go and alternative taxi services such as Uber and Lyft are revolutionising the way we travel. With smartphones and new apps we are no longer limited to trains, buses, official taxis and rides with people we know.

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                      A more social mind-set

The launch of the MIND-sets website and social media initiatives

The MIND-sets website, LinkedIn page and Twitter page have been launched. The website provides information about the project, its partners, target groups and objectives, as well as news and events.

The LinkedIn page allows members to share information, research, news, events and calls for papers while the Twitter page features the latest news on transport and user behaviour, along with news and events that are relevant to the project.


                      But how do you really feel?

Take one of our surveys and be a part of our research

Two online surveys will be conducted to gather information and opinions on mobility. While both of these are aimed at transport professionals and experts, they have very different formats and objectives.

The first survey is a questionnaire aimed at transport professionals, to understand how those who make strategic mobility decisions use decision support tools and how these can be improved. It takes no more than 10-15 minutes to fill out, and the information gathered will only be used for the project.

Take the online survey

A Delphi survey on automated, seamless, virtual and inclusive mobility will be conducted in two rounds with around 500 experts. The results from the first round will be circulated among the respondents so that they can consider others’ opinions when providing answers in the second round. Rather than consensus building, the goal is to highlight discrepancies to be discussed at the upcoming workshops in Barcelona.

Take the Delphi survey


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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation Programme under grant agreement No 640401.